Murder Mystery Dinners

Interactive Entertainment can also tailor a Murder Dinner to your event –

We love to incorporate a little history in with our Mysteries, so your guests will giggle with glee when they can tie history to murder.

Kathy Drew, Owner & Creative Director, has been writing and performing Murder Mysteries for over 30 years, beginning in the historical city of Cheyenne. We now perform dinners in Las Vegas, Downtown Sacramento and Retirement Communities as well as Non-Profit Organizations.

"One Wife Too Many" (Western)

After the discovery of GOLD in California, thousands of men prospectors set out to find their share leaving behind their families. Some returned home desolate and broke, some returned satisfied with their findings. Then there were those who never went back for one reason or another, including starting a new life with their newly found wealth. But that new life didn't always work out the way they thought. Sometimes the past catches up at the most inopportune time.

"Champagne Bubbles & Dangerous Dames" (1920's)

It's 1925 right in the middle of decadence, flamboyance, and the flow of alcohol. One of San Francisco's famous socialites has passed away and you arrive on the train for the Reading of her multi-million dollar Will. Don't be discouraged if you're name isn't on the list of recipients - those who are may get more than they bargained for before the train arrives safely back. There's more to champagne than just bubbles.

"When the Gaslight Glows" (1940’s)

1940 Mystery Movies were dark and full of behind the scenes drama as well as on the screen. So it’s no surprise when movie star Gretta Glendow is found murdered the night of her first Broadway Red Carpet debut. What is unexpected is when the film she starred in comes to a halt, and there is a long list of those who will not accept this news well. On top of the cancellation, it’s discovered that Rex Retterly has mob ties, and the mob is on that list. It’s a rat-tat-tat noisy night.

"Dead Men Tell No Tales"

The Brigantine Ship Bilge Rat, under the command of Captain Calico Jack, is docked in the bay and its’ crew comes to the Swanky Mermaid Tavern for respite and plenty of ale. There is always competition on the high seas for booty that lies across the water, but Captain Jack led the ship into uncharted waters and raided another Pirate Ship. Piracy is the act of robbery and criminal violence at sea. Those who commit piracy are called Pirates, and those who seek only revenge they call Davy Jones.

"You Can't Disguise Murder"

You are invited to a Masquerade Party for Halloween – and it’s going to be a doozy! Everyone is wearing a mask, of course, but knowing “who is who” is part of the fun of unraveling disguises and enjoying the laughter and comradery of friends and their creative costumes. Among those that everyone knows, are those that NO ONE knows – and one in particular who has invited themselves on an evening of merriment, pleasures, and unveiling. To everyone’s surprise, NO ONE knows the lady in red – until a murder is committed.

"Detective Lilly O'Hara and the Case of the Missing Link" (1930's)

Lilly O'Hara is the female version of Sherlock Holmes - at least that's how SHE describes herself. Holmes is her idol, AND her Uncle. Though they have never met. Lilly has found her dream home, her dream town, and her dream husband. New to the neighborhood, Lilly accepts an invitation to an enchanting social evening at Lavendar Hall - which of course sounds delightful and elegant. Dressed in her most glamorous gown, on the arm of her tuxedo handsome husband, they arrive to find anything BUT an enchanting evening. There are people she recognizes causing a disturbance in her sleuth instincts - and rightfully so. Has her past caught up with her? And who is missing from the invite list suddenly? **This Murder Mystery is based on the history of Kate Warne, first Female Pinkerton Agent*